Monday, January 21, 2013

Sanchez Chapter 4 & 5 Reflections

Chapter 4 focuses on how to make type legible. The chapter starts off by saying text is legible due to three qualities; contrast, simplicity, and proportion. It also shows how some parts of the letters are easier to recognize such as the upper halve of letters. From my point of view, words in all capital letters would be easier to read, and now I see why the book would say that it would be more legible due to it’s irregular shape and internal pattern, being the most important factors of reading text. I also never paid too much attention to how too little or too much spacing in between letters could affect how easily the text could be read.

The 5th chapter goes into detail about how text can be arranged on the page. It goes into how grid ratio would be determined by mathematical proportioning between parts of grid measurements. It includes how the golden section and the Fibonacci sequence are both important ways to use to proportionate grids. I also didn't think that typographers would put as much effort into the arrangement of text in columns as much as graphic designers would.

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