Tuesday, February 12, 2013

For my Seven Deadly Sins project I came up with a few options for what I could do. My first idea was to do dog breeds where I chose dogs who represented the different sins:
lust - poodle
pride - cavalier king charles spaniel
envy - yorkie
gluttony - english bull dog
sloth - newfoundland
wrath - doberman
greed - west highland terrior
however I did not like this idea so much so I though of another idea, being cities in America. After doing some research I came up with the following cities:
lust: Las Vegas
pride: Washington D.C.
envy: Hollywood/Los Angeles
gluttony: San Antonio
sloth: Tuscaloosa
greed: New York City
I chose the cities based on facts I found. San antonio is one of the fattest cities in the country, while Tuscaloosa watched the most TV per week and exercises the least. NYC is known for being a city of power-hungry elitists who are trying to make a lot of money. Hollywood is full of wannabe actors and actresses who envy the life of todays popular celebrities. Washington is full of people and politicians who all have an excessive belief in their own abilities. Las Vegas is known as sin city with some of the biggest strip clubs and other sexually oriented forms of entertainment where people can go to fulfill their cravings for pleasures of the body. I actually began trying to execute this idea, where I decided to find an image that represents that city, mask it onto the shape of the state and then I wanted to turn the image into phrases and words that represent the sin and the city. Or I would just have text in the shape of the state.

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