Sunday, January 20, 2013

Cassata- Ch 2 Reflection

In the chapter the anatomy of typography, I found many things interesting as to what goes into typography. I feel that I may have taken for granted simple typefaces, since I am now aware of the history behind them and how they came to be. The complexities of the different styles and lettering options can make or break a piece, and I am happy to now know more about what kind of type works with different pieces. Example six in the chapter brought to my attention something that I had previously overlooked, with the way that the contrast in stroke weight can make the letters appear so different from one another. Different stresses in the letters can make a difference when adding them to a piece.  Page number 38 was very helpful as a reference since the examples had the typefaces right next to them. It became easier for me to see how certain types would be more appropriate in more professional settings, while others should be kept in a more fun atmosphere. The modern typeface grabbed my attention because I liked how traditional and fashion related it looked. I was shocked to find that it had been around since the late 1700’s since to me it looked as if it had just been created. I spent some time reviewing the last page and example number 34, because it was interesting the types they had chosen to interpret the lyrics. I felt that the part where “over sprinkle” was written had a good type face used, since it was playful just as the words had suggested.

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