Thursday, January 17, 2013

Type Assignment-1 Melissa Roels

The serif I chose is adobe garamond. I would calssify myself as bibliofile, and I've always liked this font for being easy on the eyes while reading printed material. It is classified in our book as an old style font with an Italian Renaissance heritage. The font has very little contrast, or that it is made up mostly of a continuous semi-thick stroke. The letters are expressive in their small details. For example the bowls of the numbers and capitals the P, 9, and 6 all do not connect, and the uniform size and shape of the bowls of the lower case b,d,p, and q. Another example is the light-handed stress of the $ character compared to the o which has no stress at all. Even though garamond was originally a renaissance font it was recreated digitally so the numbers now are styled in a modern way and all reach cap height.

I chose Meta as my sans serif font because I had never noticed it until searching through the book. The detouch of contrast made it a little more interesting to me than something more uniform such as helvetica or univers. One of the first things I noticed about this font was the lower case letter y. It differs form most sans serifs in that it has a sweeping descender. The old style numbers were an interesting addition as well because Meta was not designed and realeased until 1991. The characters also have a distinct curve to their stems. An example is the lower case k has a unique contrast between the curve of its ascender and the stark angles of the arm and leg. In my own personal opninion it helps the font look a little playful, but also reserved. Meta also has a small amount of contrast which looks nice when its large but as the font gets smaller makes it increasingly harder to read.

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