Friday, January 18, 2013

Typeface Anatomy

This typeface is serifed and has thin strokes with minimal weight. There is slight contrast between the the strokes. The serifs are modern, connect to the letter with slight curves, and are very thin. The typeface has large counters and very rounded bowls. There are ascenders and descenders in the lowercase face. The x height is close to the centerand is higher than the other typeface. The overall feeling of this typeface is very clean and fresh. It is not bulky or hard to read. Its thinness is sophisticated, yet still somewhat reminisent of handwriting. Znikomit has both an antique and a classic feel. Personally, it reminds me of an old fashioned typewriter and thrift shopping. Antique and thrift shopping has always been a hobby of mine because I like the feeling of discovering new things. I think that Znikomit’s serifed typewriter key style reminded me of this. The association between typewriters and thrift shopping happens for me because of a particular antique shop in my hometown, where the front display is always packed with typewriters. This typeface’s clean, classic style caught my attention because of its personal meaning to me and its ability to maintain readability while still being attractive to look at.

This typeface has vertical stress. There are so ascenders or descenders in the capital face, but in the lowercase they are present and slight. The typeface has no serifs, and there is minimal contrast between the strokes because they are all fixed width. There is proportional spacing between the letters, and a very boxy feel because of the rounded square bowls. The general feeling of the face gives a sense of sci-fi or futurism. It somewhat resembles html coding or computer type.Neuropol immediately reminded me of a science fiction movie, particularly my favorite sci-fi film, Gattaca. The typeface looks like some kind of computer code because it is very standardized in the x height and shape of the letters. I was attracted to this typeface because it looks like it belongs in another time, it has character and although it is not the most practical or readable, it is very interesting to look at.

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